Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Book Club

I know I have blogged about my Book Club before, but Christmas would not be complete without Book Club. We always have a special ornament exchange in December. It's always a very nice ornament, and the ones I have gotten at Book Club are some of favorite on the tree. When we're decorating the tree, it's fun to remember where each ornament came from. This is a pictures of the ornament that I ended up with this year. I love it, and I especially love the fact that it says Reading Between the Wines on it! I should mention that the exchange is very competitive and no one holds back on their stealing. I got this on the 3rd steal, which is the only reason I ended up with it. Angela hosted this year, and we had a delicious Italian meal at the dining room table. Another tradition we have is as a group adopting a family in need for Christmas from the Genesis Women's shelter. It is great to be able to give back to a family that is struggling and would otherwise not have much for Christmas. I hope to be adding to my Book Club ornament collection for many years!