Saturday, January 16, 2010

Allison's 9th Birthday!

For Allison's actual birthday, she started off with a candle in her cinnamon toast before school. I was able to go up and have lunch with her at school, and then we had krispy creme donuts as a treat with her class. After much deliberation, she chose to go to Olive Garden for her birthday dinner. Gram and Grandpa came, too, and then we came back to the house for a cookie cake and presents. She loved her Zhu Zhu pet from Gram and Grandpa, and her moon chair was a huge hit! It was a fun ending to a special birthday.
How old are you? 9
What is your favorite food? Black-eyed Peas
What is your favorite toy? My IPOD
What do you like to do best? Hang out with my friends
Who do you love? My puppy, Boston
Who else? My mom and my dad
What was your favorite thing you did this summer? Family vacation to Colorado
What are you scared of? Being alone
What makes you happy? Being with my family
Do you like cold weather or warm weather? Warm
Who loves you? Mommy and Daddy
Who thinks you're special? my grandparents
What was your favorite part of your birthday? Getting closer to 2 digits
What are you excited about now that you are one year older? Being able to do more things