Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Snow and More Snow!!!!

Wow!!! What an experience. They had been predicting some snow and light accumulation for the end of this week, but we woke up Thursday morning to a ton of snow on the ground. It was beautiful, and before it actually stopped during the night early Friday morning, we had a record breaking 12 plus inches of snow. It has been incredible to look at and to play in. I don't know who has had more fun - the kids or Boston! They did go to school for half a day on Thursday, but school was cancelled on Friday, so we have had lots of time together inside and out! Enjoy the pictures from our two snow days.


Redhawk said...

One of the funnest day ever. Remember this one because this is more snow in one day than we have had combined over the past 32 years. Snowmen were fun to build and getting "continuously pelted" by the kids with snowballs was amusing. Wish we had gone sledding....guess this will have to wait till next time.
