Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will On Stage

Today at church, Will got sing up on the stage. Every year around this time they do a small program on Chapel Hill Children's School during the service. The 3, 4, and 5 year olds that were in attendance went up to the front to sing a couple of songs, and then there was a slide slow presentation of the school. Will was very excited about singing on stage, and although he didn't do much up there, he insisted he wanted to sing more and couldn't understand why it was over so fast. When he saw these pictures of himself on then computer, he asked me why he looked so sad. He is just saying the funniest things lately.

When we got home from church I decided to take a few pictures of the kids before they changed clothes. I didn't get even a decent one of the three of them, but I did get some great ones of Will. For the past few months, Will has not taken a good picture. I have tried to many times, only to have EVERY single picture come out with his eyes completely closed or very close to that. He has also been sporting the very fake smile, and even when I told him just not to smile, his eyes still looked bad so many times. So today the first 10 or so pictures I took turned out the same way, but then he moved positions and I guess just relaxed a little bit, and I just snapped away. So, I know there are a lot of pictures here, but I just couldn't resist sharing them.


Melissa Darst said...

I love this sequence! Will is is that outfit:)