Sunday, October 12, 2008

Walk For A Cure

This post is really a couple of weeks old, but I was having issues downloading pictures off of my little camera that I carry in my purse, but the problem has been solved, and I am back in business. Our family spent Saturday morning on September 27th doing the Juvenile Diabetes Walk for a Cure in Downtown Dallas. It was a beautiful day, although it warmed up really fast. The fall in the air was not to be found soon after the walk started. It was a very festive atmosphere, and the kids were very excited to be there (at least in the beginning). Allison was especially excited because of the purpose of the walk - to raise money to find a cure for Diabetes. This is something that is obviously very near and dear to our hearts. Grandpa came and walked with us, too, so that made the morning even more fun. The only problem was that I definitely overestimated the kid's ability to walk 3.1 miles. It was not a race, and I thought we would just go as slowly as we needed to. Ray suggested that we bring a wagon, but I thought that wasn't necessary. Let's just say that recommendation came back to haunt me. About 10 minutes into the 1 hour and 35 minutes that it took us to walk this 5K, the kids were hot, tired, and ready to stop. Poor Dad had to take turns carry Will and Caroline on his shoulders. I'm impressed that he didn't complain at all (much). Next year we will be bringing a wagon! After the walk, though, they perked back up and enjoyed sampling the free food and balloons that were being given out. We definitely felt like we accomplished something and left with a little more hope that one day Diabetes will be cured! We have no greater wish for our girl!