Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Missing Tooth

Last week Caroline lost her second tooth. This was a big event, in particular, because for some unknown reason I didn't take a single picture when she lost her first tooth. I take pictures for everything, and I have no idea how I managed to let that slip by. I remember Ray being out of town and it being especially busy that night, but still. So, this time it was very exciting. It is her second one to lose on the bottom, and I think one of her top two will be next. This one had been lose for quite some time, and I really thought it needed to come out, but she was not into letting me mess with it. The girls' principal, Ms. Wagnon, has another job at school, and that is to pull out teeth when they are ready. She had been watching Caroline's tooth for a few weeks, and she finally decided it was time for it to come out. She took a Kleenex, and out it came. Caroline brought the tooth home in a little treasure chest with her very own official certificate. She was very proud of herself, and I'm proud that I have these pictures to show for it!