Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Columbus Day Train Ride

Since the girls we out of school and we had to be in Fort Worth anyway for Will's Museum School, we decided to stay and do something fun. I mentioned before that Will is really obsessed with trains and constantly wants to ride on one. I have been wanting to take him to ride the Forest Park Miniature Train in Fort Worth for quite awhile. I was disappointed to find out that they were closed on Mondays since that is the day we are in that area. Well, they were open this day since it was Columbus Day, so off we went. It was a very cute train and was a long ride that lasted about 40 minutes. The scenery was really nice, and the kids saw a waterfall, turtles, squirrels, ducks in a pond, a park, and got to go over a very tall bridge. The highlight for Will was the horn tooting. We had to wait almost 30 minutes once we got on the train before it left, and I kept getting off taking pictures and the girls were playing around picking up acorns. This all upset Will terribly because he thought that the train was going to leave without us. I tried to reassure him that the motor wasn't even on and the conductor was up by the ticket stand. He was just panicked someone was going to miss out. I did end up convincing him to let me get a few pictures. We finished the outing with a delicious lunch at Chili's.