Sunday, November 2, 2008

Book Parade

The girl's elementary school, Carroll Elementary, has a wonderful tradition of having a Book Parade the week of Halloween each October. This year it fell on Halloween day. Each class in every grade selects a book. The kids dress up like characters in the book and carry a banner that represents the book that they chose. The school parades in a circle around the park next to the school, and the drum line from Carroll High School plays and marches during the parade. The atmosphere is extremely festive, and all the kids have a blast. There are so many spectators and parents there that you have to arrive fairly early to get a parking space anywhere near the school. I love the fact that the kids get to be a part of school traditions. Allison's class chose the book Captain Abdul's Pirate School. They dressed up like Pirates, and they all wore matching red and white polka dot bandanas. Caroline's class represented the book Pumpkin Soup. The characters were either a cat, a duck, or a squirrel. Caroline chose to be a squirrel, and she is carrying a bowl of pompkin soup. Check out their fun costumes. It was a fun (and hot) afternoon, and we will look forward to Book Parade 2009.