Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher 2010

Meet the teacher is always such an exciting event, but before the actual meet the teacher day, postcards arrive in the mail for each of the kids telling who their teachers are!  On the day they are "supposed" to arrive the kids are constantly watching for the postman.  I may or may not have been worse than them watching for the mail to arrive!  When they finally came, everyone was so excited - Allison got Mrs. Fielder, Caroline got Miss Yruegas, and Will got our beloved Mrs. Small!!!   There was so much excitement and relief wrapped up in getting those cards that day!  Meet the teacher was super hectic this year going to all three classrooms and spending time at each one.  We made it, and I was able to document it a little along the way!

he looks pretty happy to me!

Allison and Mrs. Fielder

Caroline and Miss Yruegas

Miss Yruegas was Allison's teacher in 2nd grade, too!

Will and Mrs. Small