Monday, November 22, 2010

Field Trip to the Farm

His class just after getting off the bus

Will and his friends Graham and Will

milking a cow!

pig races!

goofin' around

so proud of getting this rooster

pickin' his pumpkin

His wonderful kindergarten class minus his amazing teacher!

Will and I had so much fun attending his Kindergarten Field Trip at Green Meadows Farm.  This is an annual tradition in Kindergarten, and I had such a good time on Caroline's trip, so I was really looking forward to Will's day, too!  He had such a good time looking at the animals, playing in a maze, watching pig races, going on a hayride, milking cows, eating a picnic lunch, holding roosters, and picking pumpkins.  So thankful I was able to share his day with him.


Redhawk said...

Mom, friends, pigs, chickens and doesn't get any better! Dad