Friday, December 19, 2008

Trinity Class Christmas Party

Saturday night was our Trinity Class Sunday School Christmas Party. It is always a huge event with 50 plus people there. We all bring food and have a huge feast with delicious meat, salad, sides, and desserts. Besides the fellowship, the highlight is always the famous White Elephant Gift Exchange. There are some gifts that have made their way into the gift exchange for many years. We received one of those this year, and let’s just say that we will be re-gifting it next year. It is always an evening of fun, laughter, and good food, and we are fortunate to be apart of such a great group of people who are committed to friendship and studying God’s Word together.

After the SS party, we made our way over to our old neighborhood and attended a party at the Matthews house. They have a beautifully decorated house, and we enjoyed seeing some friends from our old neighborhood. We missed the gift exchange on that one, but hopefully we will able to take part in their annual tradition next year. Christie and I were friends back in our single days, and then we both worked at Sprint together in different departments. We lost touch, and then 4 years ago, I ran into her at the women’s neighborhood ornament exchange. Will and her daughter are in preschool class together this year, and Allison and her son were in Kindergarten together. Our paths keep continuing to cross.

We are thankful for friends to celebrate the holidays with!